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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Day 31 - 35 : Shopping Cart

Day 31 - 35

  • This final 2 weeks would be more time spending on your project; you may voice out any question or if you wish any topics to have further explanation. 
  • For those that haven't start anything on the project, or want to try something other that e-commerce, you may suggest to me what you have on mind, orget some idea from here:
  1. Mail editing and sending system(with PHP)
    Project description : Please create a system to send email asynchronously about 100,000. you may consider PEAR or other framework
    The system also needs to be able to edit the HTML mail.
  2. Tourist Site
    A site similar to
    structure and functionality of
    Graphic Design similar to
    Using latest versions of PHP and Joomla.
    Bilingual skeleton for English and (Chinese/Arab/Malay/Tamil/Spanish). Leave frame for third language in future.
    Easy to mantain for Website Manager.
    Easy to customize content and images for staff writers.
    SEO friendly.
    Crossbrowser compatibility. IExplorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari
  3. To-Do Task List Cloud Offering
    Description: build a To-Do task list service offered through the cloud.
    We'd like service providers to provide effort and cost estimates for providing design and development services for this service.
    High level functional requirements include:
    1.            Sign in via Facebook
    2.            Create a task
    3.            Create a note
    4.            Create a “group” of tasks
    5.            Assign other individuals to a group
    6.            Assign other individual to a task
    7.            Change the status of a task
    8.            Select a due date for a task
    9.            Create dependencies between tasks
    Similar websites that we like are the following. Functionality will be similar to these:

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